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Turkish professor says Coronavirus does not provide the desired level of immunity

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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ceyhan, Head Of The Department Of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Hacettepe University Faculty Of Medicine made  evaluations regarding the immune levels of those who had the disease. He said, “Having coronavirus does not provide the desired level of immunity”, adding “There are people who have had the disease again 2 months after the disease.”

The Professor went on to say, “We need to get rid of the following misconception; the disease does not provide the desired level of immunity. Don’t say,’ I’ve had an illness and trust it. Among our patients, there are those who have had an infection for the 3rd time. The mutant virus also caused us to be suspicious of certain things, things we thought we knew. One of them is 6 months of protection from the disease. In our hospital, there are people who have had the disease again 2 months after the disease.

If we calculate such as so many of them are immune to the disease and so many of them we will vaccinate etc… India did this and experienced a boom. It is impossible to reduce the number of cases without conducting the vaccine and the measures together. We were saying wait 6 months, we see that there are earlier illnesses in cases that occur with the mutant virus; we will also need to make the vaccine sooner, not perhaps 6 months later.”